Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Check this out: Kind of Bloop

After putting my iPod on shuffle recently, I came across something I hadn't thought of for awhile,  and I think its cool enough to share with you guys.  Today in my spotlight: Kind of Bloop.

Released about 2 years ago by Andy Baio, Kind of Bloop takes Miles Davis' Kind of Blue,  What many might consider to be the greatest Jazz album of all time, and throws it into the 8bit world.  Baio has gotten together some of the best Chiptune artists,  and they have masterfully redone Davis' album.  While most of the songs stay true, and almost exact replicas of their counterparts, some of the songs such as my favorite, Flamenco Sketches, take liberties, all for the better.  Gamers and Jazz fans alike will get a kick out of it (though I have talked to some Jazz 'snobs' who call it heresy), and for only five dollars on amazon, theres no reason not to pick this up.  As a huge jazz fan I can't get enough of it, and though I don't listen to much Chiptune, I find the simplistic sounds addicting.  Heres a clip someone put up on YouTube of All Blues.  Check it out!


  1. Wow that's cool. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. never heard this song before, i loved it

  3. Thanks for the share. I will try to find the download.

  4. Jazz + 8bit?, How come we don't have more stuff like this?

  5. interesting mixture of jazz & 8bit.. definitely gonna look fore more like this to listen to!

  6. That's really cool I like it alot

  7. remix is awesome dude- pretty sick tribute man keep this stuff up! :)

  8. Well this is quite different. Reminds me of playing Pokemon though.

  9. I love George & Jonathan they are another good chiptune/8-bit band. Google 'em!

  10. i love this music, thanks for sharing.

  11. The name is hilarious.. "Kind of Bloop" haha

  12. this was really cool, i enjoyed it thanks!
